• Ensure that history textbooks are authored by educators without political affiliations to provide objective and unbiased perspectives and maintain the credibility and accuracy of historical content.
  • Implement a rigorous review process involving reputable academics and historians to ensure that textbooks are comprehensive, balanced, and free from ideological biases.
  • Require proper justification for any revisions to enhance transparency and accountability and ensure changes are based on scholarly evidence and not political influence.
  • Ensure that authors and reviewers represent all sections of society to capture the multifaceted history of India, including the experiences and contributions of various communities.
  • Encourage the media to publish well-researched articles on revised textbooks and bring public attention to changes to promote informed discussion and scrutiny of revisions.
  • Media groups should organise debates on textbook revisions and encourage healthy criticism to ensure broader engagement with content and foster a more informed and critical society.
  • Encourage educational institutions to organise seminars and talks on the importance of improving history textbooks so that teachers are aware of issues such as historical negationism, distortion of historical records, and historical revisionism.