• When I ask Claude about the colour palette chosen for SMFFH, he smiles holds up swatches of muted hues and fans them out for me to see. “There’s one thing that’s clear when we look at these tones: no red, a colour we associate with SpiderMan. We create everything around these actors, and working with visual effects elevated that.” As shown in the trailer between the subdued shades of the non-moving European architecture, SpiderMan is a bright red and dynamic dart.
  • Additional challenges, though interesting, came about when they had to recreate certain European environments on a set. “We’d recreate Venice on the back-lot complete with imported gondolas. Our visual effects department could then bring Venice to life. Special effects also had to recreate the blue-green water of Venice in our tank which was very challenging. With the cinematography team, there was a constant exchange of ideas, keeping in mind the lighting and such.”