1. In Iran protests, the long fight for freedom: The growing protests are a fight for human dignity and individual rights, centering on the recognition of women as the primary victims of the regime’s male-dominated tradition and strict ideology, write Arpita Basu-Roy, Krishnan Srinivasan.
  2. A call to action to avoid climate catastrophe: The Hindu has published this editorial along with The Guardian and several other media outlets across the globe as an urgent call to action on climate change.
  3. Baghdad gets a government but violnce haunts: At the heart of the country’s political malaise is the muhasasa or apportionment system, bequeathed to the country during the occupation of the United States, writes Talmiz Ahmad.
  4. Making Sense of the midterm polls: What were the issues that helped Democrats retain the Senate and Republicans take back the House in U.S. midterms? Explain Narayan Lakshman.
  5. Itamar Ben-Gvir | The rabble-rouser: The ultra-orthodox rightwing politician, who was once convicted for incitement of racism, has emerged as a critical partner of Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition.