As it happened: Wani was Pakistan-sponsored terrorist, says Rajnath Singh

Updated - December 04, 2021 11:02 pm IST

Published - July 18, 2016 09:52 am IST

The Rajya Sabha on Monday discussed the tense situation in Jammu and Kashmir. Photo: Rajya Sabha TV

The Rajya Sabha on Monday discussed the tense situation in Jammu and Kashmir. Photo: Rajya Sabha TV

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made a strong pitch for multi-party support for the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Bill that the government wants to pass in the monsoon session of Parliament, scheduled to begin today. The Opposition, on its part, said the passage of the GST was affected by “a lack of trust between the States and the Centre.”

Addressing an all-party meeting called by the government on Sunday, Mr. Modi said, “GST is of national importance; the issue here is not which government gets credit for its passage. All of us represent both the people and parties and let’s keep national interests above everything else.”

He also thanked all political parties for the stand taken by them on the recent incidents in Jammu and Kashmir.The next meeting between the government and the Congress is expected to take place on Tuesday.

The BJP Parliamentary Party’s executive will meet today to firm up its strategy for the monsoon session of Parliament, with the Opposition set to attack the government over a number of issues, including the developments in Arunachal Pradesh. The NDA constituents will also meet after the BJP Parliamentary Party executive meeting in the evening.

Live updates:

6.20 pm.: Rajya Sabha will begin their proceedings on July 19, 2016 at 11 am.

6.15 pm: Rajya Sabha adjourned for the day

5:55 pm: Discussion ends. Harsh Vardhan moves the The Regional Centre for Biotechnology Bill, 2016

5.45 pm: We will take all parties along on Kashmir, says Rajnath.

5:43 pm: We have already spoken about restraining the use of pellets and use water-canons or tear gas, if needed, says Singh.

5:40 pm: Singh terms the idea of celebrating the death of an armed force personnel is "divisive mentality" and government will ensure Kashmir youth are out of this mentality.

5:37 pm: When Pakistan, that was created on the basis of religion, could not keep the country together. Will it talk about Indian Muslims? India will take care of Indian Muslims, Hindus, Christians and every Indian, says Singh.

5:36 pm: Mehbooba Mufi and I discussed on how to start dialogue with civilians of Kashmir: Singh

5:35 pm: We are in touch with the State government and officials and have assured all help, says Singh.

5:35 pm: Three terrorists, including Wani, was killed by Jammu and Kashmir police. These terrorists were sponsored by Pakistan, says Rajnath Singh.

5:32 pm: Singh says Burhan Wani is a terrorist and Hizbul commander of South Kashmir. He was radicalising youths. There are 15 FIRs against him including that of murder: Rajnath

5:30 pm: We will use force on militants and sympathy on civilians: SIngh

5:29 pm: If someone celebrates the death of security forces, will you call it humanity? Mr. Singh asks.

5:23 pm: I spoke the the CM of Jammu and Kashmir and armed forces chief and asked them to exercise maximum restraint on use of force. I also urged them to use only non-lethel weapons. There were 566 instances of violences. Over 1700 civilians were injured. About 200 civilians are still hospitals. We have sent retina-surgeons to Kashmir. 1740 jawans were injured, one succumbed. 39 civilians we r e killed.

5:22 pm: Prime Minister chaired a review meeting on Kashmir: Singh

5:21 pm: My confidence and hope that all parties will rise above politics and stand united in this time of hour has only risen after this debate, says the Home Minister.

5:20 pm: Home Minister Rajnath Singh gives his response.

7:15 pm: Pramod Tewari blames the BJP-PDP coalition for the situation.

4:53 pm: The forces did not follow the Standard Operating Procedure, says Mr. Singhvi.

4:52 pm: Abhishek Manu Singhvi (Congress) we have to ensure consistency in the policy of Pakistan. Government's policy on Pakistan can never be knee-jerk.

4:50 pm: Pakistan is observing 'Black Day' for the death of Wani. Then, they should observe 'Black Day' everyday because our forces will kill such terrorists every day, says Mr. Raut.

4:48 pm: Wani is a terrorist supported by Pakistan. He had also killed innocent people. If people turn up to mourn such a person, then who is responsible? asks Mr. Raut.

4:47 pm: People are questioning the use of force on civilians. But we should consider the pressure Armed forces personnel undergo, says Mr. Raut. We should thank the armed forces, he says.

4:32 pm: Sanjay Raut (Shiv Sena) says Kashmir is on fire. This fire is burning for 70 years. We talk about development, bringing Kashmiris to mainstream. But whenever a terrorist is punished, it affects Kashmir, he says.

4:30 pm: Shamsher Singh Manhas, BJP MP from J&K speaks. He asks why these separatists leaders keep out their children safely outside the region? He also questions stone-pelting.

4:28 pm: Some of your people talk about changing demography of Jammu and Kashmir and questioning the need of Article 370. This is only alienating people of J&K, says Raja addressing Home Minister Rajnath Singh.

4:25 pm: Repeal or, at least, partial repeal of AFSPA must be considered, says Raja.

4:23 pm: Why is there a conflict between our own people and our own forces? Is Kashmir a law and order problem? Kashmir is a political problem, says Mr. Raja.

4:20 pm: D. Raja (CPI) government must consider convening an all party meeting to bring a broad consensus.

4:16 pm: Narendra Kumar Swain (BJD) says we have to be alert that no enemy country or outfit try to fish in the troubled waters of Kashmir. At the same time, we need to honestly introspect, he says.

4:15 pm: Kashmir was heaven on earth. Are we converting it to a hell? asks Dr. Singh.

4:08 pm: We are stuck in a status quo, which not good for Jammu, Kashmir, Leh and Ladakh, says Dr. Singh.

4:07 pm: Karan Singh (Congress) says in a democracy, difficult situations must be solved by dialogues. He pitches for India Pakistan talks, talks with separatists.

4:05 pm: Force must be the last resorts. Statesmanship is the need of the hour, says Mr. Siva.

4:05 pm: No force can take away the special status to Kashmir, says Mr. Siva.

4:04 pm: Bullets cannot heal the wounds in the minds of people in Kashmir, says Mr. Siva.

4:00 pm: Valley has not come across such excess in recent times, says Tiruchi Siva (DMK).

3:53 pm: Navjot Singh Sidhu resigns from Rajya Sabha.

3:50 pm: Centre and State should answer why the situation of Valley deteriorated after the killing of terrorist Burhan Wani, says Mr. Mishra.

3:46 pm: Satish Chandra Mishra (BSP) urges parliamentarians to rise above party-level and look into the issue.

3:45 pm: Stop this hyphenated exixtence with Pakistan, says Yechury.

3:44 pm: Yechury urges government to convene all-party meet on the issue and order inquiry over excessive force used in Kashmir.

3:40 pm: A parliamentary panel that inspected Kashmir had earlier recommended use of waer cannons instead of pellets. Why was it ignored, Mr. Yechury asks.

3:38 pm: A former Prime Minister said sky is the limit for autonomy, but today there are talks about repealing Article 370, says Yechury.

3:36 pm: Instead of finding the root-cause of mistrust, no point in blaming Pakistan, he says.

3:35 pm: Leader of House is blaming Pakistan, but what is the government's responsibility? he asks.

3:34 pm: You are sending more company of forces. My appeal is that please send more doctors and medical teams too, says Mr. Yechury.

3:32 pm: Sitaram Yechury (CPI (M)) says it was wrong to use pellets in Kashmir.

3:19 pm: Unless we don't win the hearts of Kashmiris, we cannot bring unity to the nation, he says.

3:18 pm: Sharad Yadav (JD(U)) speaks. Vajpayee's tried to resolve the issue through political means. But now, it's not the case, he says.

3:16 pm: Not the land, soil or grass, I urge the government to protect the soul of Kashmir, says Mr. O'Brien.

3:15 pm: Mr. O'Brien quotes Mr. Vajpayee, urges government to open dialogue with own people, young people.

3:14 pm: Alongwith security arrangements and hard policing, we need dialogue, Mr. O'Brien. We need healing touch like how we did in Junglemahal, O'Brien says.

3:13 pm: If you want to Digital India. Make sure you understand Digital India. Else, it will become divisive India, says O'Brien.

3:10 pm: Derek O'Brien (TMC) speaks. Union government has mishandled the situation. Ordinary citizens have lost their lives, he says.

3:08 pm: Centre is diluting the federal stucture of the nation, says Ms. Vijila.

3:06 pm: Give them (Kashmir youth) education, jobs, says Ms. Vijila.

3:05 pm: Vijila Sathyanath of AIADMK rises to speak. It is the prime duty of the government to maintain law and order. Centre should come up with package for terror-striken States, she says.

3:00 pm: Agarwal questions India's foreign policy.

2:57 pm: Naresh Agarwal, SP member, speaks. As long as we don't change are position on Pakistan, the issue of Kashmir will not be resolved, he says.

2:56 pm: In the Chair, Deputy Chairman P. J. Kurien

2:55 pm: Important to unanimously appeal to youth in Kashmir to not join any protests so security personnel aren't forced to take action: Jaitley in RS

2:53 pm: The quantum of use of force should be best decided by the policeman facing the attack on the ground. So, security forces should use force only to the extent needed, says Jaitley

2:52 pm: Recent ISIS rise has misguided the youth. Terrorists killed have been glorified on social media. When thousands turned against police and Army, they had to retort, says Jaitley

2:52 pm: Stone pelting in recent years has been painted as civil disobedience by some, says Jailey

2:51 pm: Terrorism will never be a fruit for you. Global appetite against terror is at its peak. So separatists changed the strategy, says Jaitley

2:50 pm: When Pakistan realised it couldn't win through conventional wars, it took help of militants, says Jaitley

2:45 pm: The reason of situation is not coalition or TV debates, but because Pakistan never reconciled to the idea that Kashmir as integral part of India, says Jaitley.

2:44 pm: "To fight separatists, national parties have to align with mainstream Kashmir parties."

2:43 p.m.: The election results dictated the BJP-PDP alliance, says Jaitley

2:40 p.m: The battle is between country and separatists in Kashmir: Jaitley

2:38 p.m.: To think this violence is a backlash of BJP-PDP coalition government, is politics, says Jaitley. "There are times when we should rise above political differences for the nation," he says.

2:37 pm: Arun Jaitley, Leader of the House, responds.

2:36 p.m.: Azad suggests all-party meet to discuss the issue. He also wants to fix responsibility on use of excess.

2:35 pm.: We (Muslims) chose to stay here. Do not throw stones from glass houses, Azad tells Pakistan.

2:34 p.m: Pakistan is a big contributory factor to the violence, says Mr. Azad. If the majority community is suspecting the minority it is because of Pakistan, says Azad.

2:30 p.m.: Azad speaks on media coverage on Kashmir. I support freedom of press but not at the stake of unity of the nation. Prime time debates are fuelling divisive ideas, he says.

2:27 p.m.: A Kashmir Pandit passed away in downtown three days back. People broke the curfew to give him a decent funeral. This is Kashmir, he says.

2:25 p.m.: You (Centre and State government) have the responsibilty to resolve this, Congress is with you, Mr. Azad says.

2:24 p.m: Mr. Azad quotes statement after Cabinet meet that said "disproportionate use of force," asks: "What is the need for such disproportionate use of force?"

2:18 p.m.: The BJP-PDP coalition is a contributory factor to violence in the State, Mr. Azad says.

2:16 p.m.: But certain statements made by people belonging to ruling party, even MPs and ministers, have targetted the minority community, he says.

2:15 p.m: India has the largest population of practicing Muslims in India. But we have the lowest presence of Islamic State. Is this not because of patriotic Indian Muslims?

2:13 pm: Should locals be treated same way we treat militants?Should same bullets that are used on militants be used on innocents people of J&K?

2:10 p.m: We stand with the Government in ending militancy but we don't support this kind of treatment with civilians: Ghulam Nabi Azad in Rajya Sabha

2:05 p.m.: Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad condones the use of pellets in Kashmir.

2:00 p.m.: Rajya Sabha proceedings resumes. Vice President Hamid Ansari agrees to hold short discussion on the recent violence and turmoil in Kashmir.

1:00 p.m.: Question Hour ends. Rajya Sabha adjourned till 2 p.m.

12:55 p.m: Mr. Vora is unhappy with the response. He says the advisory has given a one year relaxation, which effectively means Nilgais can be killed.

12:53 pm: Next question is from Motilal Vora. He raises the issue of killing of Nilgais. Anil Madhav Dave, MoS for Environment, responds. The advisory pertains to classifying Nilgais as vermins. The minister says the ministry has not given any advisory on shooting of Nilgais.

12:30 pm: Minister of Rural Development Narendra Singh Tomar answers questions on Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna. The PMGSY is government's ambitious project to connect every village through roads.

12:27 p.m: In reply to Digvijaya Singh's query of how many industries had been penalised, the minister says after consultation with the State governments, rules will be laid down for punishing industrial units.

12:26 pm: In reply to a question, Uma Bharti says sewage and industrial discharges rather than worship offered by people are the main causes of pollution of the Ganga.

12:24 pm: Subramanian Swamy questions if dams bulit across the Ganga are drying up the river? Ms. Bharti assures norms will be followed.

12:22 pm: Rajya Sabha proceedings resume with Question Hour. Union Minister Uma Bharti responds to questions on Ganga rejuvenation programme.

12:10 pm:Rajya Sabha adjourned briefly for 10 minutes.

12:00 noon: Sitaram Yechury moves notice to suspend Question Hour to discuss price rise. Some members storm the well of the House.

11:57 a.m.: A brief recap on Una. In this Gujarat town, some Dalits were beaten up by dominent caste men for allegedly dealing with beef and cow skin. The video was widely circulated in social media.

11:56 a.m.: The Centre should ask the State to take tough action, she adds. After media highlighting, they woke up. The government should have acted. Police remained mute spectator, she says.

11:55 a.m.: Centre should answer on Una, Mayawati says (Interuptions)

11:54 a.m.: Venkaiah Naidu objects to a party being named. She, however, continues.

11:50 a.m.: BSP chief Mayawati talks about atrocities against Dalits, especially in Gujarat. She says ever since the BJP government took over at Centre, Dalits are being exploited all over. It shows the casteist mindset of the BJP, she alleges.

11:47 a.m.: Vice-President Hamid Ansari chairs Rajya Sabha proceedings. He speaks on terror acts across the world. Calling them condemnable, he says the world should unite against it. The House stands in silence to mourn the loss of lives.

11:30 am: Kapil Sibal and Amar Singh take oath as Rajya Sabha members.

11:20 a.m.: Lok Sabha adjourned for the day after obituary references by the Speaker.

11:17 a.m.: Piyush Goel takes oath as RS member

11:13 a.m.: Meanwhile in Rajya Sabha, newly inducted members take oath. Mr. Naqvi takes oath as member from Jharkhand. Nirmala Sitharaman takes oath as member from Karnataka.

11:05 a.m.: Modi introduces his new ministers to the Lok Sabha.

11:00 am: Lok Sabha proceedings begin.

10:40 a.m.: Hope monsoon session observes high standards of discussions and important decisions are made, says Mr. Modi

10:34 a.m.: All parties should work together to see to it that constructive discussions take place in monsoon session, Mr. Modi says.

10:32 a.m.: Spoke to all parties over the past days, everyone is in the mood to further development, says the Prime Minister.

10:33 a.m: This August 15 will be the 70th Independence Day. This session is happening ahead of this landmark day: Mr. Modi

10:31 am: Modi is flanked by Ananth Kumar, MoS Muktar Abbas Naqvi and MoS PMO Jitender Singh.

10:30 a.m.: Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrives at the Parliament House.

10.10 a.m.: The govt. is ready to discuss every issue, says Parliamentary Affairs Minister Ananth Kumar

10.05 a.m.: The monsoon session of Parliament is upon us — and if we go by recent history, the Prime Minister, the central spokesperson of the government in Parliament, may once again not be compelled to answer the questions directed at his government. Nissim Mannathukkaren writes on why Parliament should consider the >practice of weekly Prime Minister’s Questions .

9.57 a.m.: Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi addresses the media. Photo: R.V. Moorthy

9.46 a.m.: Though the government is keen on ensuring the passage of the GST Bill and the much-needed constitutional amendment to be passed in the Upper House, a host of other important bills are pending in Parliament. A look at some of the >pending Bills in Parliament .

9.42 a.m.: While going through the questions asked during the budget session, and the responses from Ministers, one cannot stop thinking that nothing has changed in between, or is it? Here are some select >questions from the budget session of Parliament .

Following is today’s business in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha:

Lok Sabha:

Bills to be introduced:

The Dentists (Amendment) Bill, 2016.

The National Institutes of Technology, Science Education and Research (Amendment) Bill, 2016.

The Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill, 2016.

Rajya Sabha:

Bills for consideration and passing:

The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2012.

The Compensatory Afforestation Fund Bill, 2016.

The Enemy Property (Amendment and Validation) Bill, 2016.

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