• Cabinet’s first decisions are all for the farmer community. PM-KISAN scheme to be extended to all farmer families, irrespective of size of land holdings. The Cabinet has given its nod for contributory farmer pension scheme with entry age of 18-40 years. After age 60, beneficiaries will recieve Rs. 3,000 per month as pension. The scheme aims to cover 5 crore small and marginal farmers. The govt budget for scheme: Rs. 10,775 crore over three years
  • Now 14.5 crore farmers to be covered under PM-KISAN; to cost exchequer Rs. 87,000 cr annually, says Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar
  • Cabinet clears pension scheme for traders; 3 crore retails traders and shopkeepers to benefit from this move, says govt
  • Cabinet approves Rs. 13,343-crore programme to control diseases among livestock