• New Popular Front | France’s ‘republican dam’ | The leftwing alliance, cobbled together just weeks before France’s legislative elections, stopped the far-right juggernaut of Marine Le Pen in its tracks and emerged as the largest bloc in parliament, but political uncertainty prevails as no group has a majority, writes G. Sampath.
  • Jeremy Corbyn | Rebel with a cause | The former Labour leader, known for his left-wing activism and strong support for the Palestine cause, has won his Islington North constituency as an independent.
  • Are acts of terrorism in Jammu & Kashmir shifting to the Rajouri-Poonch-Kathua sector after being quiet for two decades? What are the reasons for the new trend? What are the challenges of monitoring this sector? Are more troops needed? What is the situation on the ground? Writes Vijaita Singh.
  • Freedom and control in Xinjiang | The north-western province in China is home to more than 50 ‘ethnic minorities’, most of whom are Uyghur Muslim. For several years, the Chinese Communist Party has been accused of persecuting the community and attempting to erase their culture. Radhika Santhanam reports on the overarching emphasis on assimilation and nationalism in Xinjiang.
  • Unprincipled alliances | There seems to be no end to the instability of coalitions in Nepal, writes The Hindu in this editorial.